Monday, November 19, 2007


Sometimes I wonder if my mother is right, and I am addicted to OTC meds.

But the thing is, even though I know that taking too much Ibuprofen can lead to stomach ulcers, I also know that Advil works for just about any pain that exists.

And of course, I tell my mum not to be so bloody ridiculous.

Which leads me to another thing.

I am a hypocrite. And I'm sure that writing it is not nearly as hard as saying it out loud.

I am saying this because the night before last I went to a Jazz concert of my brother's (I know, another one) and bumped into some of the kids I graduated with. One of them was Havalyn, who I have such a long, long history with.

And I guess the lie gets easier the more you tell it because even as I stood there telling the girl who I had been so angry at years ago for lying to me, lie after lie about why I was back in town, I only felt a little bit bad.

Does that make me a bad person?

Is one lie bigger and worse than another? Because if thats true, her lie totally trumps mine and maybe that means I'm allowed to feel okay about it.

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